The Quality of Life Plan will serve as a guiding document for neighborhood residents and leaders. The plan provides a picture of the vision and spirit of the near Eastside.

In order to truly represent the diversity and spirit of the near Eastside, the planning process was designed with a strong focus on inclusivity.

Recognizing that the planning process has significant implications for the future of the neighborhood, specifically marginalized neighbors, the 2019/2020 planning process had a strong focus on inclusivity. Several tactics neighborhood leaders utilized to prioritize inclusivity and equity in the planning and implementation process were:

  • Open hours at coffee shops – allowing neighbors to stop by at their convenience and talk one on one with Quality of Life Plan leaders
  • Resident-led interviews – neighbors interviewing neighbors, on porches, in coffee shops, and at the library, to minimize barriers to participation
  • Increased focus on engagement through previously established groups and mechanisms for gaining feedback, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel!
  • Hiring five community organizers to ensure that historically marginalized voices – including seniors, African American/Black neighbors, Spanish-speaking neighbors and renting neighbors – were heard throughout the process

Although neighborhood leaders strived to be as inclusive as possible, not every single neighbor was included in the planning process and the plan is not perfectly equitable.

In order to continue to promote equity and inclusion in the implementation process, the plan designates the creation of nine community action teams. These teams will guide the implementation of the plan alongside the designated lead agency. The community action teams will ensure that neighborhood voices are heard and that neighborhood leaders continue to pursue increased equity in the implementation of the plan.

Plan Components

Gather Data & Fundraise

Planning commenced with the distribution of a neighborhood survey, outreach to neighborhood leaders, and fundraising for the hiring of a process facilitator. The survey was distributed via the Near Eastside News, social media platforms, survey collection boxes at small businesses, neighborhood associations, and canvassing events. Also, neighborhood leaders, business owners, and residents took part in appreciative interviews which were later analyzed to determine themes that underlie neighborhood dreams and concerns.


A series of in-person events were planned to review the previous plan, generate excitement and ideas for the new plan and gather information from residents about their vision for the future of the near Eastside. In the summer of 2019, five community organizers were hired to lead these canvassing events and neighborhood outreach. The community organizers knocked on over 7,500 doors and held multiple focus groups with residents to increase engagement and promote participation in Near Eastside Visioning Day. Visioning day took place at Arsenal Technical High School, where over 250 neighborhood members attended and worked in 30 table groups to identify their priorities and ideas for the plan.


After Visioning Day, neighborhood members worked in 8 – and later 9, with the addition of sustainability – action groups to create the new Quality of Life Plan. Each month, neighbors met together to get into the nitty gritty of creating a neighborhood plan, including the identification of priorities, action items, and partners for each section. Their work culminated in a final open house where neighbors and stakeholders could review the work done so far and provide comments on the plan’s content. Afterwards the plan was edited and released for an open comment period. The plan was approved and certified by the City of Indianapolis on May 5th, 2020.


Upon the completion, the new Quality of Life plan will guide the work and priorities for the near Eastside. Community Action Teams (CATs) and a variety of near Eastside non-profits will work together to guide and facilitate the implementation of the plan.

Timeline of Neighborhood Engagement Events

Quality of Life Plan representatives promoted the Quality of Life Plan survey and upcoming events at Feast of Lanterns, Super Saturday, IMPD East District Community Day, Shepherd’s Fall Festival and other community events.

A neighborhood survey was distributed via newsletters, neighborhood associations, community events and collection boxes at local neighborhood spaces. The survey had over 1,000 respondents.

70 neighbors and stakeholders took part in appreciative inquiry interviews. These interviews were recorded, transcribed, and later analyzed to determine major themes that should be included in the new Quality of Life Plan.

The first Quality of Life Plan Open House took place on May 7th, 2019 with 70 attendees. The open house was designed to increase awareness of the Quality of Life Planning process and educate neighbors on the content of the past Quality of Life Plan.

In order to raise funds to hire a planning consultant and to provide food at neighborhood events, fundraisers were held at Mayfair Taproom and Kingmakers.

5 community organizers were hired to assist with a summer packed with outreach. The organizers led focus groups and canvassing days to increase outreach to historically underrepresented groups.

  • Spanish speaking neighbors: April Avina
  • African American/Black neighbors: Jonathan Garmany
  • Renting neighbors: Olivia Schneider
  • Senior neighbors: Tiffany Kyser
  • East of Rural neighbors: Chris Staab

Community organizers and neighborhood volunteers knock on over 7,500 doors to talk with neighbors about the Quality of Life Plan and administer the Quality of Life Plan survey.

Four long-time near Eastside neighbors were invited to share their experience living on the Near Eastside. Long time and new neighbors gathered at Hoy Polloy to share stories and celebrate the history and future of the near Eastside.

Community organizers conducted focus groups with specific groups of neighborhood residents to understand their priorities for the Quality of Life Plan and gain insight on specific topics.

Over 100 middle school and high school students participated in facilitated conversations regarding the near Eastside and their priorities for the future. Additionally, teachers were invited to share feedback on the plan during their lunch breaks.

10,000 Visioning Day promotional postcards were sent to Near Eastside neighbors, with a focus on low-income areas of the neighborhood.

Near Eastside Quality of Life Visioning Day was held on September 7th, 2020 and had 250 attendees. The day began with a large group visioning activity to identify the neighborhood vision for the near Eastside. Neighbors then met in 30 groups around identified topics.

Identified topics included:

  • K-12 Education
  • College and Career Readiness
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Afterschool and Out of School Time Activities
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Health Equity
  • Growing a Healthy Community
  • Growing Healthy Families
  • Senior Citizen Quality of Life
  • Industrial Site Redevelopment
  • Business Development and Retention
  • Affordable Housing
  • Homeowner Repairs
  • Vacant Properties
  • Resident Displacement
  • Economic Development
  • Economic Mobility and Workforce Development
  • Youth Leadership
  • Being and Embracing a Multi-Cultural Neighborhood
  • Creating a Sense of Community
  • Access to Healthy and Affordable Foods
  • Public Infrastructure Improvements
  • Public Transportation
  • Greenspaces
  • The Role of Arts in the Community
  • Climate Change
  • Encouraging Environmental Sustainability
  • Infrastructure Safety Initiatives
  • IMPD/Neighborhood Relations

Coffee Breaks were held at Rabble Coffee and Spades Park Library to allow neighbors to talk one on one with neighborhood leaders about the drafted plan content and provide their feedback.

Over 200 residents attended three planning sessions to create the content of the plan. At each meeting, attendees met in groups to create the priorities and action items for each plan section.

The neighborhood participated in a second open house, where neighbors could view the drafted content for the plan and provide their comments. The plan was placed on the walls around the room so that neighbors could read through it and talk with the facilitators about their feedback. The Quality of Life Open House had 100 attendees.

The official plan certification will take place via Facebook Live on June 16th. At the event, the plan will be formally presented to the City of Indianapolis.

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