Below are the action items identified for each priority outlined in the Economic & Workforce Development section of the Near Eastside Quality of Life Plan.
1.1: Engage Opportunity Youth (age 16-24) in meaningful employment and career exploration opportunities.
Implementation Partner: Employ Indy (Indy Achieves) |
1.2: Grow and develop programs and resources to support individuals with significant barriers to employment, including adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities, returning citizens/re-entry, immigrants and refugees.
Implementation Partner: John Boner Neighborhood Centers |
1.3: Increase the number of residents participating in certificate programs, trades-training programs or apprenticeships, and on-the-job training.
Implementation Partner: John Boner Neighborhood Centers |
1.4: Create and promote resources for job seekers to identify employment opportunities, meet employers, develop soft skills, and have job-readiness resources as well as resources to support them once employed.
Implementation Partner: John Boner Neighborhood Centers |
1.5: Introduce financial services options including loans and other financing programs that serve to empower residents’ and business’ financial sustainability as opposed to predatory lending options that may currently exist.
Implementation Partner: Shepherd Community Center |
2.1: Support the microenterprise technical assistance ecosystem to help aspiring businesses connect to space, capital, and a variety of technical assistance
Implementation Partner: Edna Martin Christian Center |
2.2: Develop tools and resources to specifically support industries necessary for thriving neighborhoods like groceries, pharmacies, child care, etc. and generally provide capital access tools and resources to growing near Eastside businesses.
Implementation Partner: John Boner Neighborhood Centers |
2.3: Focus attraction efforts and scaling support efforts to growth industries/targeted clusters like Business to Business, Food production, sustainability, light manufacturing and other industries that have good and promising jobs as well as favorable sectors like sustainability or social enterprises.
Implementation Partner: LISC |
2.4: Support existing businesses to grow in place and expand within the area and provide support to businesses at risk of closure or sale with succession planning to prevent loss of jobs and facilitate opportunities for employee ownership models.
Implementation Partner: John Boner Neighborhood Centers |
3.1: Redevelop key corridors, such as East Washington Street, 10th Street, and North Mass by coordinating the reuse of vacant, blighted, or contaminated sites such as the Rivoli, into high quality, diverse, and dense destinations for a variety of land uses.
Implementation Partner: LISC |
3.2: Activate centers of former employment, such as Sherman Park, Black Mountain and Ruby Park, into future sites of economic productivity through brownfield remediation, infrastructure enhancement, and business attraction.
Implementation Partner: Englewood CDC |
3.3: Market the near Eastside as a destination where there are established businesses and where key growth industries exist.
Implementation Partner: Near Eastside Business Association |
3.4: Build and maintain a positive business ecosystem with strong business associations and accessible tools/resources.
Implementation Partner: Near Eastside Business Association |

Interested in getting involved in the Economic & Workforce Development implementation?
There are many ways to get involved with the Quality of Life Plan for the near Eastside. You can attend a monthly Community Action Team meeting or the quarterly Plan Summit.
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